Book Review: Geddy’s Moon

Book Review Geddy’s Moon by John Mulhall

Wow! Ok, I am not just excited about the total gem of a book called Geddy’s Moon. I am even more excited because I have found an amazing talent in a brand-new-to-me author named John Mulhall and can’t believe this is his debut novel. Yay! A fabulous new author to read!

Oh, this book. It reminds me of why I started reading Horror in the first place. It is terrifying, horrifying, and disturbing yes, but it’s also touching, poignant and just really broke my heart at times. I feel so lucky to have found this book! It scared me, made me hopeful and took me for such a fabulous ride from the very start. I feel like I’ve been on an incredible journey with people, real living breathing people, not just characters on a page. It hooked me from the very first, unfolds like a movie and never lets up. I didn’t want it to end!

I love a book that’s more than it seems, and this supernatural thriller is full of surprises. There is nothing predictable about it and it’s so much more than you would think it is just by reading the book’s description. Yes, it’s about a man who can’t remember his past and lands in a small Kansas town full of colorful characters. But, really, this novel is an epic coming-of-age, terror-filled, twisty-turny, edge-of-your-seat, gory, creepy, nostalgic, touching adventure that is on par with the top talents in the genre. It’s one of the best novels I’ve read all year.

It’s rich in its detail and the story line is utterly unique; this book is a true gift to horror fans. I don’t want to give up too much of the story so I’m staying away from the plot details but let me just say if you enjoy Horror tales from the superb, top-selling masters, you will love this book. Well done, Mr. Mulhall!

Get it for Kindle: Geddy’s Moon

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